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Raising standards inspiring trust...

Established in 1913, the Association of British Investigators stands as the premier organisation in the UK's largely unregulated investigative sector. With the largest directory of accredited professional investigators in the UK and members worldwide, meeting our rigorous membership standards, we take the lead in self-regulation and constantly advocate for greater accountability of legitimate professional investigators.

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The Association of British Investigators

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has approved the ABI UK GDPR code of conduct (under Article 40 of the UK GDPR) that provides guidelines and standards for GDPR compliance in the field of investigations and litigation support. Click here for information about the code. By choosing support services that adhere to and are audited to this code, clients can ensure that their service providers demonstrate the necessary data protection standards.

ABI Certified Code of conduct 2025

The Law Society of England and Wales works with the ABI. Our accredited members provide litigation support, process serving, and investigative services to the legal profession. With members across the globe, the ABI provides an extensive network of professional investigators, ensuring quality and accountability. 

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Professionally insured for consumer and commerce

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Regulated by our code of ethics

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Carefully vetted and regularly monitored

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Registered with Information Commissioners Office

Upholding credibility in the professional investigation industry

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Are you a solicitor?
In the absence of regulation, cautious and prudent lawyers choose to instruct ABI members wherever possible.
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Are you someone who needs help?
Commencing an investigation can be daunting. Within our membership are very experienced investigators and experts in many fields. Your enquiry is confidential.
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Are you an investigator growing your business?
By becoming a member, you can demonstrate your credibility by displaying the trusted logo of The Association of British Investigators. You can interact with seasoned investigators in the course of continuing professional development, collaboration and participating in our meetings and events.
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Are you part of a Governing Body/Association?
Your own compliance rules may demand that investigators you use are ‘accredited’. The sector is unregulated and so The Association of British Investigators fills the void through its strict membership criteria and code of ethics and behaviour.
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Providing credible regulation

We offer the public protection from poor practice through the promotion of excellence, integrity, and professionalism within our membership.

Insist on your investigator being an ABI member.

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partners 2025

Working with the Law Society

The ABI is the only professional body in this industry to be working with the Law Society of England and Wales.

The highest independent professional bodies for solicitors put their trust in us.

We're confident you can do the same.

The ABI's other partners also recognise the value of affiliation with the principal professional body in the investigation and litigation support sectors.

The ICO-approved ABI UK GDPR Code of Conduct for Investigative and Litigation Support Services affords the ABI  the ultimate sector-specific accreditation, offering three key opportunities, each with unique advantages:

  1. A best practice guide.
  2. A voluntary membership scheme for professional investigators.
  3. Specialised sector-specific data protection training.

Trust and respect must be earned, not claimed through a sense of entitlement.

Referral to an Investigator

If you are unsure on how to select a professional please complete the form below in confidence for a referral.