Time: 12.00 hours – 17.00 hours Place: Brabners Solicitors, 1 City Square, Leeds, LS1 2AL
Branch ElectivesCHAIR – Debbie Craven [debbie@blminvestigatons.co.uk – 07809 277515]
VICE CHAIR – Jen Jarvie
SECRETARY – Jane Carey
TREASURER – Karl Brooker
SUBSTITUTE – Paul Moores
1. 12:00-12:30 - Registration
2. 12:30-13:00 - Chair’s Welcome/Introductions / Apologies / Agreement of last AGM Meeting’s Minutes / Accounts update / Matters arising
3. 13:00-13:45 – Presentation by Tim Mobbs on ‘The Dark Web’
4. 13:45-14:15 - Coffee and Raffle
5. 14:15-14:30 – Governing Council Report by a member of the Governing Council
6. 14:30-14:40 – Election of Officers
a. Chair
b. Vice Chair
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Substitute
7. 14:40-15:30 – Open Forum – Attendees are invited to raise topics of interest and/or challenges they have faced to be opened up for general discussion
8. 15:30-15:40 – Date and time of next meeting.
9. 15:40-15:55 – Any other Business
Close of meeting.