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Debt Recovery Investigations

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Monday 24th July, 2023 | Author: Secretariat | Filed under: Good practice policies

Debt recovery investigations are an important part of the financial sector in the UK. When a debtor fails to pay a debt, it can have a significant impact on the creditor's business operations.

Debt recovery investigations are often used to locate debtors and recover debts owed to creditors.

In this article, we will explore the debt recovery investigation process in the UK.

Debt recovery investigations involve a variety of techniques, including skip tracing, asset tracing, and surveillance.

Skip tracing involves locating individuals who have moved or gone into hiding to avoid paying their debts.

Asset tracing involves identifying assets that can be seized to pay off debts.

Surveillance involves monitoring the activities of individuals to gather evidence of their assets and financial status.

The debt recovery investigation process typically begins with the creditor attempting to contact the debtor by telephone, email, or letter. If the debtor fails to respond, the creditor may engage the services of a debt recovery agency or solicitor to initiate legal proceedings against the debtor.

Debt recovery agencies and solicitors use a variety of techniques to locate debtors, including engaging a professional investigator to locate the debtor. This is commonly known as skip tracing.

Skip tracing involves using various databases and other resources to locate individuals who have moved or gone into hiding.

Professional investigators may also use surveillance techniques to gather evidence of a debtor's financial status and assets.

Once a debtor has been located, the creditor will attempt to negotiate a repayment plan with the debtor. If a repayment plan cannot be agreed upon, legal action may be taken to recover the debt. This can involve obtaining a court order to seize assets or attach wages or third-party debts.

In some cases, debt recovery investigations may uncover evidence of fraudulent activity, such as hidden assets or undeclared income. In such cases, the professional investigator may recommend that the matter be referred to law enforcement to consider criminal proceedings be brought against the debtor.

It is important to note that debt recovery investigations must be conducted in compliance with UK law, including the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act. The professional investigator must also adhere to a code of ethics and be accredited to professional body such as the Association of British Investigators.

In conclusion, debt recovery investigations are an important part of the financial sector in the UK. They involve a variety of techniques, including skip tracing, asset tracing, and surveillance, and are used to locate debtors and recover debts owed to creditors. Debt recovery investigations must be conducted in compliance with UK law and industry guidelines to ensure that the rights of debtors are protected.

Please click here for a referral to an accredited professional investigator.

