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Monday 29th January, 2024 | Author: Secretariat | Filed under: Good practice policies

Key Information to Look for on a Professional Investigator's Website

When seeking the services of a professional investigator, it is essential to conduct thorough research to ensure you hire a skilled and reputable individual or agency. One of the primary sources of information about investigators is their website. A well-designed and informative website can provide valuable insights into their expertise, experience, and credibility.
In this article, we will discuss the key information to look for on a professional investigator's website to help you make an informed decision.
1. Services Offered:
A professional investigator's website should clearly outline the services they provide. Look for a comprehensive list of investigative services that align with your specific needs. Common services may include background checks, surveillance, fraud investigations, asset searches, process serving and missing persons investigations. Ensure that the investigator offers the specific type of investigation you require.
2. Expertise and Experience:
The investigator's website should highlight their expertise and experience in the field. Check for information about their professional background, such as their qualifications, certifications, and accreditation, such as membership of the Association of British Investigators (ABI). Look for details about their team members or associates, as a well-established agency often consists of a team of specialists with diverse skills and expertise.
3. Case Studies or Testimonials:
Look for case studies or testimonials on the investigator's website. Case studies, which can be found on the ABI website, provide real-life examples of their past work and showcase their problem-solving abilities. Testimonials from satisfied clients can offer valuable insights into the investigator's professionalism, reliability, and success rate. Consider the authenticity and credibility of these testimonials by checking if they include client names, dates, or any other relevant details.
4. Privacy and Confidentiality:
Confidentiality is crucial when it comes to investigations. A reputable investigator will prioritise client confidentiality and should mention this on their website. Look for information regarding their privacy policies, data security measures, and any industry-specific compliance standards they adhere to, see ABI website for some examples. This will help ensure that your sensitive information remains secure throughout the investigation process and the investigator has addressed data privacy compliance.
5. Resources and Technology:
Investigations often require specialised resources and technology. The investigator's website should highlight the tools and technologies they utilise to conduct their work effectively. This may include state-of-the-art surveillance equipment, forensic analysis tools, or access to databases and information sources. A well-equipped investigator is more likely to deliver accurate and reliable results.
6. Pricing and Contract Details:
While pricing information may not be explicitly mentioned on a website, prior to engaging your chosen service provider ensure they have provided a detailed and comprehensive proposal, which will form the basis of your contractual relationship, see article here. The proposal should be clear on the service being provided, the cost and what outcomes the client should expect. Look for details on their billing structure, whether it's an hourly rate, a flat fee, or a retainer-based agreement. Clear communication about pricing and contract terms is essential to avoid any misunderstandings or surprises later on.
7. Contact Information:
Ensure that the investigator's website provides clear and easily accessible contact information. Look for a phone number, email address, or a contact form through which you can reach out to them. A professional investigator should be responsive to inquiries and demonstrate a willingness to discuss your case further.
When evaluating a professional investigator's website, consider these key pieces of information to make an informed decision. Remember to conduct further research beyond the website, such as checking online reviews, verifying credentials, ABI membership, and having initial consultations with potential investigators.
By gathering and analysing the relevant information, you can select a professional investigator who meets your specific requirements and can assist you effectively in achieving your investigative goals.

